Building Connection: Practical skills to promote racial equity in healthcare communication
Building Connection: Practical skills to promote racial equity in healthcare communication
We'd like to get to know you (the attendee) a little better before the course. Please use the following questions to enter your information. A small note to administrators: if you are trying to register more than one course attendee from your department or institution, we kindly ask that you complete the course registration process separately for each attendee. Be sure that the information entered below is about the attendees.
Your name
How did you hear about the course?
What is your gender?
What are your pronouns?
What is your race/ethnicity?
What is your discipline?
What is your primary specialty/board certification or practice area?
What is the name of your primary institution or employer?
What is your department (if applicable)?
What is your job title?
Building Connection: Practical skills to promote racial equity in healthcare communication